Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday's Report.....

 "Let's eat but the seed is pretty slim out here."  I need to go dump more of it on the tray to get them excited. At -1 degrees F.  I am not so anxious to go out there but I will.  It was a little bit warm so I could scrape off the ice on the deck to make a safe path for me. 

A new one in the making.  I am doing an original design of my own.  Waiting for paint to dry keeps me slowed down but it gives me time to think of creative things to do for the design. I am still working on the last house, finishing up the last design treatments and a chimney.


 I am really tired of all the cold temps.  I opened the door to take the shot but I didn't step out on the deck. We are getting some sunshine today that will warm us up to 23 degrees F.

Friday is here and I just keep creating.  I did get the sun room back in shape this morning.  The village out there is my wife's thing and she decides when that goes away. I have the boxes all ready and it will take a few trips to get them up for packing.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I am tired of the cold, too, and we have not had that many days of it when all is said and done. I am strolling back through to see what I have missed. I keep thinking I need to get in Roger's shop and make some birdhouses. But I never make it out there. They probably would not be as pretty as yours.
