Saturday, January 29, 2022

Saturday's a Go......

 I guess when the top of the bird is chopped off by me then I say it is a more natural and informal composition.  It does fit in with the feeling that he is trying to hide from me or blend in with the tree. It is so rare to see one on our property.   Friends in our area and north say they haven't seen many all summer or now in the winter.  We saw a female cardinal about a month ago drinking water from the puddles on the deck.

Now that I have figured out how to make this stand up straight  I am putting seed in it.  I think it might draw in cardinals and other winter birds other than sparrows.  If they land here, they might fly up to my deck feeder.

The tree is gone and the room is almost back to normal.  We have a village still set up in the other corner.  The plastic needles sucked up easily and the rug looked like new. 

My painting center stays pretty much messed up but it works for me.  I have the workbench for putting things together with nails and the drawing board lets me do glue jobs that require detailed placement of parts. 

A third house is still in progress and the second one is close to being done.  We warmed up to just above freezing today. I am not seeing any thawing.  I hear snow is on its way in a few days. We were glad to get out today to eat pancakes.  Afterward we had things to buy at Walmart and the grocery store. The pandemic has hit our Walmart badly.  Shelves empty in various area. A whole section of the store is still being used to pack and organize all the pick up items.  The store really shows that it is understaffed as most departments are just in a mess.  It is sad.

Thanks for stopping by today.