Friday, January 21, 2022

Frigid and Frozen......


Snow doesn't melt when it is -10 in the night.  The female fake goose does have some of the white on its head now showing.  I guess the snow can just settle even when it isn't meltng.


 My cactus is blooming again in a different section of the plant.  It started blooming first back in November and another section bloomed in December.  Now I get to see it again.  It is a new definition of ever blooming Thanksgiving plant. 

This creation is a difficult one.  It has many colors used in the final design.  I was at Ace and got three different colors and they are nothing like the colors that was suggested in the plan. A choice of four or five colors plus black and white was a poor selection.  I guess I went to the wrong store. More watching paint dry for this birdhouse project. 

I am having a slow day and it is too cold for sure.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those geese are brave birds 😊
    That little bird house is going to make someone really happy and cozy.
    Stay warm friend.

  2. Your cactus wasn't ready to quite blooming! Your bird house is looking good!

  3. It is cold!
    I see the geese are appearing again!
