Saturday, January 22, 2022

Sat Stuff.....


I made a return visit today to the hardware to pick up a cap for a tire's valve stem. I found some other things to buy though.  I made the commitment to repot some of my violets. I bought paints for a birdhouse.  I realized the paint really isn't intended for wood but it is going to work.  Two coats of rust oleum on wood will work and I read later a primer applied first would have been a better idea. They did not have paint in small cans for wood creations.

I painted on all the various parts that belong to the birdhouse and I again am waiting for the first coat to dry. I did not get to the violets as they can wait until I am in the mood.  Moving slow again today.  Thanks for stopping by today.  I do like the product above but I am not getting any payment for sharing the photo.


  1. I have some clay pots that I am going to paint to brighten them up. One of the things I've found useful is to use spray paint on them. Not something I can do inside but I can get the job done quickly.

    My mom was a genius at growing African Violets!

  2. They have craft paint at Wally World...some of it is even enamel that takes a long time to dry. The acrylic paint works great as long as you seal the project well:)
