Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Sun Shines....

 Presently the sun comes up behind my neighbor's house. The good thing is I can still see the shine glow on all the rows of houses. They neighbor kids were out this morning walking on top of the frozen snow. They would walk on the snow and their boots would sink in on the crusty top leaving holes.

 If I walk to the far side of the sun room I can see the sun. I have to take the photo through a screen. I could go out on the deck and lean way over but the snow is so icy and it would be easy to fall down.

My newly acquired and refinished chest of drawers made a perfect Christmas tree platform.  It actually looks kind of bare and lacking with just lower items with very little height. 

I finally picked up my one grandson's collection up off the chest of drawers and took them to the lego bin. He was so happy that he could put them together and display them under the Christmas tree with all the antique toys. 


Closing off with a photo of a part of the quilt that we have on our bed.  My mom mad it and gave it to us as a wedding present back in 1984.  We really had not used it until we moved to the new place. We have a bed spread that covers it at times and sometimes it is just easier to just let the quilt be the cover of the oak bed. 

I can't keep track of the temperature changes that we keep having.  We did get up the 37 degrees F. in the evening and then the wind started blowing.  We are at 11 degrees F. right now and we are to get down to -5 tonight.  It all feels very cold and the tire pressures sure do decline when it is so cold.  I had to fill three of my four tires with air yesterday. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the quilt and the morning sun does look welcoming even if it is so cold.
    I went to check on some things yesterday and kept breaking through the snow crust! I ended up returning home for snow shoes.

    That dresser looks great.

  2. Brrr, your temps are as cold as ours have been, Larry. Thanks for the reminder to check tire pressure in cold temps and mine were checked and rotated with an inspection last week. Unfortunately, I need to make a return visit to replace the serpentine belt this week.Your mom's quilt is beautiful.
