Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday's Things.....

 I wasn't really interested in going out to take a shot but I saw a post from Texas showing the unusual shape of it.  It wasn't cold so I did lean against the corner of the house to steady myself.

The house finch showed up to put some color at my feeder.  I don't know how many I have but I think there is only one or two.  I did see a female cardinal yesterday but didn't get any photos of it.

I had some blocks our for the grand children but they were not touched.  These are antique blocks with the designs painted on them and the grooves that will help hold them together as you stack them. I did not have this kind when I was a kid as mine were just smooth sided.

I did work on the bird house today but I am not feeling very good about what I have done.  I have all the roof pieces stained and sealed so I can go ahead and finish the overlapping pieces. 

We are waiting for the snow storm to hit tomorrow.  We did get warm weather yesterday with it getting up to 55 degrees F.  It isn't that warm today but we are seeing shifting maps of change on the weather map where we are going to get a lot of snow.  We made a grocery run this morning while everyone was not there.  We were not totally out of things but it was good to get extra things that we could run out of when we are not looking.  Some shelves had been filled but we have seen empty shelves again of certain things. Diabetic foods are scarce for some reason. The sugar free jelly is down to only one kind and the sugar free puddings have been out for a month.  I am thinking the companies can't get a hold of the plastic containers in which they put their pudding.  

Time to close down for today.  I am having a grumpy day but I will get over it.  I thank you for stopping by even though you probably don't want to hang around me right now. Tomorrow will come !!!!!


  1. That is a great moon photo!

    Grumpy. I have those days too.

    When we remodeled our house I saved a lot of odd shaped wood chunks and sanded them down. Kids love it when I bring the box out. The adults and kids play with them.

    I love the bird house but I assume we are our own worst critics of our own work!

  2. That is definitely a great moon shot, Larry, so kudos to you! As for having a grumpy day, sometimes it's hard NOT to have one of those when you hear or read about all that's going on in the country and the world. Hope the snowstorm doesn't affect your area too badly, but good you made that grocery store run. We may get some snow on Sunday into Monday.

  3. Sounds like a bad day! Yes you will be happier some other day!
