Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Middle of the Week....

 Front yard drift created by the snow removal people. We have hit a high of 55 degrees F. today so this morning shot shows more snow than is actually out there now.

I saw a water puddle on the deck this morning when I got up so I knew it was going to be a warmer day. Can you see the photographer in the shot?  The fake tree that he is standing next to is now gone. I took it down to the basement for a rest from the holiday season.  Lots of grass is showing through but Friday is going to be a snow day again. 

Over Christmas break the one grandson asked me to come downstairs to play with him.  We built a house with legos and he supplied the vehicles and the space guards on the wall.  He is five right now and loves to play with someone else, especially his Grandma and Grandpa.

I found this in the basement today while working down there.  It is grandpa holding his grandbear and their teddy bear.  It belongs to my mom who received these from one of her grand daughters.  In the move the bears were mixed in with a grab bag of things thrown together for the move. I stuck it under the sink water and gave it a thorough cleaning before I took the photo.

I worked on the bird house today again and got one Christmas tree disassembled and put back into its box.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The snow was so beautiful, but only if you have the privilege of staying home. I'm happy ours is now gone, but maybe another snowfall this weekend. You get lots more than us Larry. How sweet that your grandson wanted you to play, and that is quite a lovely Lego house.
    Sweet ornament with loving memories to hold on to.
    Stay well dear friend.

  2. 55 today! We were in Davenport all day. Might have got in the 40's.... but was still very nice. I hear more snow is on the way.

  3. We got to 32 so I figured you would be warmer than us, good for you! WE have a storm coming in tonight so look out!

  4. Legos are awesome. We used to play with them as kids a gazillion years ago.
