Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 Only a few sparrows showed up today to eat seeds.  It is warmer today and  I would have thought they would have shown up in yesterdays cold weather.

Sunday morning's clouds in the morning were looking great.  It was not a warm day all day and I don't know how cold temps effect clouds.  This was around for a few hours.

There are 20 designs in this book.  I may make a couple more of them but I am getting burned out with the first one already. I see by the red sticker dot that I bought this book a half price way back when.

Recycled wood has been cut and sealed ready for the under laying part of the roof.  While putting on the roof I have to be careful not to damage anything already constructed. I broke a white leg earlier and it is being glued back on again. 

Doing a trial run on fitting these on there shows me that it is going to be hard to get them evenly placed.  I have to decide what to do about the color of the slats.  Stain probably will be used but a decision has to be made about the color and then to seal it all up to be watertight will be important. I see by the original plan that I need to match the stain with the natural color on the pine box base. 

I have had a lot of distractions today and things seem to be going too slow for me.  What I had planned to get accomplished will not happen.  If I would have made a list I would have to cross off half of it for today. The weather seems better right now so it makes the next few days looking good.  Snow on Friday will be on our schedule.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Cute birdhouses! You can adapt the designs how ever you want! :)

  2. I usually make a list each day and then get sidetracked by something.

    The birdhouse looks great though!
    I would love to put up a bluebird house just far enough away to watch it!
    As a kid I often sat for hours and watched the purple martins at my grandfathers place.
