Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday's Finds.....



 The one house is ready to be returned to its pole out by the fence.  I have plans for some of the birdhouse to be hung or set on shelves attaching to poles under our sun room.



It was windy and cold but I did get it back onto the pole.  The previous owner designed the connection which requires one to screw it onto the pole.  I turned it around and around until it seemed to be in a  good position.  I had two birds out there looking it over when I returned to photograph it.  They were sparrows of course. 

We are to warm up to 50 degrees F. today and maybe we can get rid of some more snow.  The snow was still hard and crusty as we were very cold over the night.  I didn't dress warm enough when I put up the birdhouse so now I am chilled.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Your birdhouse look great! The moon was beautiful last night!

  2. Last nights Moon was BRIGHT! So bright the cats did not want to come inside...even with the cold. I think I could have read a book in the moonlight. Can't wait for that warmer weather to come back.

  3. I love watching how the sun changes its position in the sky with seasonal changes.
    The moon is beautiful as are your houses.
