Saturday, February 19, 2022

Sat. Stuff....

 It is a rescued decoy that my neighbor tossed into my bin.  The guy who uses these must of lost interest or time to go duck hunting.  

After installing the refurbished bird house to the pole I had time to look over the garden.  Everything is still frozen solid in the ground but I did find some iris perking up.

The Japanese Iris leaves a mass of leaves over the winter.  It is difficult to cut them back in the spring.  You can see one stray iris sticking up out of the ground. 

Three different iris leaves are sticking up in the photo.  I am hoping that this spring they will bloom after being transplanted last year.

I found the gold ornament, angel, on the floor. It had fallen from the tree that I was putting into storage in my workroom.  I thought it looks too good to put away right now and it can keep the candle snuffer angel company for a while.

We lost a little bit of snow yesterday but the ground is frozen.  If it gets to 50 degrees it can only melt the top surface and the rest stays.   We won't get above freezing today. We went out for breakfast this morning and bought groceries.  We had to mail out a birthday present for our oldest grandson also.  We are now home warming up from being in the cold.

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I love that angel...well, both.

    In another two months spring should be springing. Kind of hard to believe. It was bitter cold here this day.

  2. Everything here is still under a foot of snow!

  3. Beautiful angels and I love the decoy. I've seen some old decoys sell for a pretty penny.

    Sunday is supposed to be warm and then back into the freeze! What wild weather!
