Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday's Fun.......

 Big Blue is decorated with some snow again.  It wasn't as heavy of snow as was received just south of us.  It still was a nice snow to cover up all the brown grass. 

There was just enough wind to cause a sculptural form on the roof of the house.  By tomorrow we are told we will start melting. 

Our view out the window this  morning showing the bird feeder with its pile of snow. It actually snowed lightly for a very long time.

We had fun watching the sparrows brushing the snow away to get to the seed.  Snow was just flying as the wanted to get below the snow.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You got a fresh batch! We are supposed to get warmer next week, I hope it happens!

  2. A good snowfall makes for such a lovely world AND photography ! I love those evergreen trees with snow on them. Here in Tennessee they had forecast more rain for this morning with a slight possibility of a few snowflakes. When I looked out the window, straight out of bed, a light, constant snow was falling, and everything had just a light scattering on it, including all the limbs and bare bushes in my woods surrounding my home.
    It stopped snowing within probably ten minutes of me discovering it, and started to melt away, but it made for a beautiful day's awakening !

  3. Yesterday we received an 8-inch snowfall in Nashua, NH, and the crisp whiteness this morning covered up all the bareness of winter. However, very shortly, we will be seeing dirty snow and brown ground once again.
