Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Loot of the Day....

 It is snowing.  If it were raining I could call it duck weather.  Snow must mean snowman weather. I was grabbing visuals to share and the ducks and swans seemed to be a good thing to shoot. I don't know the kind of duck that it is that has the spotted chest.  

Below the ducks is the toy cupboard. My farm animals from my metal barn set are probably 65 years old now. Some have been lost through the years at my parents' home as I did have one brown horse and one brown cow. When I cleared my parents home to shut it down I brought what had survived the years in their two different moves from the farm. The cars collection is down below one shelf. 

The iron toy is one that I collected from an older couple who were closing down their house to move to town.  I am thinking that it must have been a part of a fire truck toy as there is a knob in back to hold the part that followed it.

Thanks for checking in today. 


  1. I love seeing your collections Larry, an amazing display of vintage toys.
