Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday's Report...

 It is a hazy blue day with times of rainfall.  The sun isn't shining as the weather is changing to the colder.  

The rain did not last long but the water remains on the deck.  It will maybe freeze dry during the night. It is to be very cold in them morning. 

Work is still in progress for three of these things.  I tore this one apart as the base was not level. You can't have a leaning tower.  Because of the flaw I took steps backward.  I thought I was going to finish it today.  Maybe in another day. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You're having fun with those birdhouses!

  2. That colorful house is my favorite! Wow, but I sure do love colors!

    I hope the deck dries without ice. We went from wet slushy to ice by afternoon yesterday.

  3. You are having some great fun with the birdhouses! Really cold here! -20 this morning:(
