Thursday, February 10, 2022

Make Doughnuts....Not.


It is not a quick melt but it is melting. The reason that it is melting away from the plastic geese is a mystery to me  as it is dong the same around the blue spruce tree.



We get good clouds like this when it is warmer.  Warmer means the lower 40s F.  We are not this birght today compared to this yesterday's photo.

I took our Christmas wreath apart and removed the star fish and eucalyptus  from the drying greens. It really does make an ugly bouquet but maybe I can find a better vase for it.  The berries were on the wreath and I yet don't know if they were real.

The sixth birdhouse is under development. It may be my last one to make now and I maybe can find something else to do.  Maybe I could make doughnuts.  I have newer done that and I couldn't eat them anyway.  When this one is done the plan is to have everything to be water treated sealed  It will have no painted surfaces. 

It was a great run.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I almost thought a pair of geese had stopped to see you!

  2. The geese and the trees reflect the sun's heat which melts the snow around them.
    I often pondered that myself!

    Stay warm with the next cold blast!
