Monday, February 28, 2022


 They are different colors for mums but they are pretty. The Peruvian lilies are always great to have in a bouquet. 

I finished this rock painting a week ago.  It was sitting out on the sun room table and I thought it needed to have a better photograph. 

This is a photo to remind you of what the back side of the rock looks like.  The front side in which I painted had similar textures. 

I took this to the shop one more time to work on one side piece that I had forgotten to install.  It wasn't good enough to do the repair as I had to add more to it to make it better.  The roost pole and red piece is new to the design.

I found four small loose pieces so I started a very small one.  The hole is drilled so things are in the works for house number nine.

We are warmed up today and things are melting.  It will be great to see spring coming.  I know we do have snow storms in March but I can only wish otherwise.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. You stay so busy with your creations, all of which are so special. Last March was our biggest snowfall of winter, keeping fingers crossed this year won't be a repeat.

  2. Great looking rock! It is perfect! You must have lots of wood scraps!!
