Tuesday, March 1, 2022

House Finch....

 The male and female house finch are eating at the feeder.  It is the time of the year when the males head feathers become a brighter red. 


 The are not an aggressive bird.  They tend to not come to the feeder when the sparrows are all crowded around in the tray.  The weather is warmer and they maybe could find their own food.  It does seem that the free stuff is easier.


When I first saw this one male I thought I was never going to get any good pictures of him.  He did me a favor and came over to the other side of the tray. 


More things are in the works and I am waiting for enamel paint to dry.  This is house number nine.  I looked it up and I started my first one January 4.  I guess Christmas guests were gone and I had nothing else to do.  My wife was busy painting in her studio so I started my first creative bird house.  It has been a good run but I am burned out now. I went out to see how much we are thawing.  We really are frozen solid on the ground yet.  It will take quite a few days to shift that ice out of the ground.  It still is not that warm to be outside to work even though it is going to be in the upper 50s. 

I took my bill for my snow removal company to the mailbox this morning.  I hope it is the last one for the season.  I did see a robin out by the mailbox in the dead grass digging for nesting materials.  I heard that they were around but that was my very first one for this year.  I didn't have a camera. 

Thanks for stopping by........tomorrow!


  1. A Robin!! Wow Spring is sure to come soon:)

  2. I saw a Robin yesterday also! I did grab a shot of that but haven't gotten around to doing anything with it right now.

    Love the pictures of the house Finch.
