Tuesday, February 8, 2022

New Photos....

 We are at 46 degrees F. this afternoon.  It still feels a little bit cool but it has warmed up. We have this haze though today with very little sun shine.

The neighborhood look hasn't changed much though as your see snow.  My neighbors had to come home from their Arizona home to make a dentist appointment.  I am sure they are in winter shock as they haven't been home for the winter weather for a number of years. 

I had not thought to do it before but I did mix some paint to get the nice green. Enamel, oil based paints, are not so easy to mix but I put a little bit of hunter green and white together to get this great green.  If I had small jars I could mix and save the paint but I don't.  It has been 43 years since we had baby food jars. 

I do like green during the winter weather.  I got tired of waiting for a plant like this to grow bigger.  I gave up and bought a new one to replace the old one. 

Thanks for stopping by today.....


  1. Finally some warmer weather! I hope it stays for a while.

  2. I'm so ready for warmer weather to stay. I've got saved baby food jars too, I can never bring myself to throwing reusable glass jars away.

  3. I used to have a whole wall of plants when I lived in another place, it was nice to always have green around.

    Nice for your warm weather. I did use peanut plastic jars to mix paint and save on a project, it worked well.
    That house looks great!

  4. I like green too! Hope your snow melts fast!!
