Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Middle of the Week....



 I created a platform for one of the birdhouses out of leftover green wood.  I had to cut it into the four pieces as it was a one by four board.  It looks lie a puzzle but it did work with me nailing it together with a square smaller piece on the other side.  It is nine inches squarish now. The original base for the birdhouse did not fit with the design.  I shortened it by six inches.

 Asian potters could make perfect wheel thrown pottery but they believe that the mark of the man (person) should be left in every piece.  My mark is the bent over nail on the new platform.  I didn't see it until I took a photo. Maybe I will dig it out and then maybe I may not. 

It has  been a busy day and everything seems to take longer to get done than it should.  I either screw it up or it takes longer to do something than I think it should.  I have to attach the base to the house and also use screws to attach the roof. 

Thanks for checking in on the bumbling........