Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thursday Chillin"

 A Christmas gift this year from our Illinois kids is a special one. It is hand carved from olive tree wood that came from the scraps or trimmings from the olive trees in Jerusalem. Our son bought it at downtown Chicago but it was made at a place we visited while in Bethlehem, right close to Jerusalem ,Israel.  At the top of the hill near the shop is the church that has the birthplace of Jesus.  The star shaped resembles the one that was placed on the site, in the floor.  We did buy an item at the store but this is a very special one with all the hand cared parts to make up the manger scene. 



A bad, blurry photo of one old olive tree in Israel.  We walked through the Garden of Gethsemane and saw some very old trees. They were over grown and spread out onto the ground. 


 Back to the mundane, I am working with wood and paint again today.  I need to design a roof for this one and I am having trouble in the decision of how to do it. 

The base is out of proportion but I am still building on it. I am using scraps so it may look like a garbage dump by the time I am done.

I went to the Ace Place this morning and got myself chilled.  I should of not gone but it is less than a mile away.  It is too cold and the windchill makes it horrible.  I was out of small nails of any kind. I loaded up on five different kinds of them, as I was tired of digging through all my drawers and boxes for small nails.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. That's a spectacular nativity carving!

  2. That carving is amazing!
    Love your birdhouses too!

  3. That is one beautiful carved Nativity set! What a wonderful gift!
