Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday's Ways.....

 Melting did take place last week as you can see the circle around the Blue.  I think the female Canadian fake goose has its head almost exposed.  We are in Arctic cold again today. The wind chill is very cold.


The sun is showing a little this afternoon but that doesn't cause any melting for sure. We missed having the snow storm.  The southern part of our state is getting the snow. 

A new creation in the rough.  I am trying to use up all the scrap parts from the making of the first three birdhouses.  I have to invent a removable roof for this one so I can clean it out in the fall after a bird has been in it.  I don't have a trap door in this one like I have in the others. The paint job is  only in stage one and will get a few more coats of paint.

The best of the birdhouse is going to be its base.  It is seen here upside down.  I will attach it with screws once all the two parts are done. This is made of all spare parts.  I did have to trim some of the pieces so it would match but no new wood was cut into to make its parts. 

It is evening already and the weather is keeping us inside.  I made it to the mailbox and did actually take down some Christmas lights from the front yard.  I had to walk on crusty hard snow to lift them and bunch them together.  I will wind them up together later after they have warmed up as the strings of lights were stiff from 10 degrees F. temperatures.


  1. Brrrrr, it was a chilly one.
    Stay warm.
    Love Blue!

  2. Nice project! Stay warm, really cold here and colder 50 below wind chill. :(

  3. Glad to read you dodged another snowfall, Larry, but those chilly temps are good for staying warm and safe indoors. Nice that you were able to use scrap wood from the previous bird houses for another one.
