Monday, March 28, 2022

Hey Cousins.....

I first selected a sunrise photo for this spot then I realized I have been boring everyone with too many of those.  I took it off and will share the glow of orange of the goldfish gang. 

To continue with the pet theme I was able to get a good shot of one of the cockatiels stretching its ings.  These guys are quite a pair as the great me in the morning and scold the birds out side when they see them.  They really enjoy the bigger cage that I got them a few years ago.  They like to fly but when not in the cage they do ike to just walk.  They some times dive bomb drop to the bottom of the cage and look around for things to get into then crawl up the cage when done looking.



The hanging bird feeder is getting to be low on seed again.  They can empty it in two days.  The suet is being eaten. I am glad as I had it out there for a few months and had not takers.  Now the suet is being enjoyed.  I have not see a single woodpecker at it though.  

I can now say that I am Irish enough to be able to use this mug.  I have been working on the Ancestry program and am finding so many interesting things. The program can take you back to the 1500s on some branches.  Things really work well when the program leans on all the other people who have already done trees.  I found family lines coming mostly from Germany and England. The newer proofs of other lineage includes England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Slovakia, Prussia (Poland) and Canada.  The things that I now know were things my parents never knew.  A lot of my lineage did come from the colonial times and others were those who came over in the 1800s. I had relatives fight in the French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, and also Civil War.  I learned things about relatives surprisingly that were on both sides of the North/South division and I had people who were military leaders of soldiers. Two of the nationalities that my parents definitely knew were the Germany and England countries. The rest they would imagine but did not have any proof. When working with the tree I can see that one follows the relative line of thousands of people. So I can really say I am part Irish when it is St. Patrick's Day.

A photo of a clue of what I have been up to as the mad carpenter.  It is a stand that will hold a birdhouse which will sit out on our deck.  White paint is needed to complete the job.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The mad carpenter now that made me smile! :)

  2. Love the mad carpenter reference.
    Long time ago my first husband had a Cockatiel. Ralphy was quite attached to my husband. It has been a long time since I thought about that!
