Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday's Things.....

 Construction obsession is probably not treatable but when the wood pile runs out it will stop.  I made a pedestal for the one birdhouse.  It has been painted all white now and it sits out on the deck next to the white metal railings.  I did go back downstairs this morning and made a midget pedestal for one other birdhouse for displaying alongside of this one.  Creative construction is really fun for me and I put things together dimensionally piece by piece.  Scrap lumber is still being used for them which includes old bookshelves and scraps from remodeling on the old house. 

I did find some good uses for my houses as you can see this one fits right in with the flowers. I hated to see this one to go outside and get rained on and wet. 

The oxalis continues to reach for the light.  I see I need to trim back some dead parts hanging on the back parts of the pot. 

The aquarium and the sun created a perfect prism causing the rainbow on my old brown rug downstairs.  I suspect that the sun position has moved already and it isn't making a rainbow anymore.  I thought I really had to photograph it as the real thing and not just write about it.

It is a sunny day but is still very cold.  I hope spring warmer weather comes soon.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice birdhouses! Yes we need warmer weather up here too:)

  2. I didn't know you could grow oxalis indoors! I've always admired these little wild beauties in the forest and other places.
    Love the placement of the birdhouse too.

    I took all the bits and pieces from our remodel and created a tub full of blocks for grand kids to play with and build with. Now that the kids have grown, I need to find another use for them.
