Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Sun and the Moon....

 The jet trails in the sky makes the patterns to be more varied than if it were just the clouds.  I see the jets working in the sky every morning.

The moon is not quite to the full stage yet. I had to look it up and it is still waxing. The camera takes great moon shots at night as well as the day moons.


 I have tulips up next to the garage door.  I have been looking elsewhere and they are not showing right now.  I guess the warmth that leaks out the garage door helps them along.

I didn't think to look over at my neighbors tulips.  There's bloom so much sooner than mine. I will look later today.

The red twig does not have any buds on it  yet.  I was out there working this morning and checked out for buds on a lot of things.  I cleared away dead mums and stems from many plants in the front this morning.  It was warm enough to just wear a long sleeved shirt.  I had two garbage bags of dead plants by the time I finished.  I usually cut the mums off in the fall but it didn't happen. On another day I will prune back the roses in the front.



Back and front view of the A-frame.  I am still working on it but I took shots just for fun.  I cut off the numbers on the front this morning and evened up the bottom plate to be equal.  I have added more things now and it is sitting and waiting on the glue to adhere and dry . 

Thanks for stopping by today. Spring weather is a good thing and I hope all my blogger friends get to thaw and melt the next few weeks.


  1. Plants grow quicker when they are planted close to something that holds the heat such as a house, or just a big rock.. I think it is called a heat bank.

    I bet you would be interested in this blog of Cheerful Monk's...I will try to figure how to go back and find where they started building a green house...I just dont have the time right now. Anyway it was fun to see and watch

  2. Meant to say that birdhouse is going to another beauty.

  3. You are getting very good images with your new camera, Larry. I had to go back a few posts to see what type you now have. Panasonic has always made a good digital camera, although I have never owned one myself.

  4. Great moon shot! I took one of it last night too just as it was coming up. Love the new camera!

    Nothing is poking up around here, but in a lot of places the ground is still frozen.

  5. Tulips yeah, I am excited to see them:)
