Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thursday's Today....

 The morning looked like this before it clouded over for most of the day.  Light showers are good but we need good heavy rains.

A sky view from the night before.  You can see fronts are moving in and I did actually get a shot of the sun from the front of my house. That is rare.

A ruffled male morning dove as the wind disturbs his feathers.  The two of them were down digging in my dirt garden.

They do like to just sit.  I see them do that a lot as if they are resting or just waiting for their next move. 

I am seeing birds going into the house from the one end for sure.  I tore out all the old nests so they are starting from scratch. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I haven't seen the doves yet, I do love their calls though.

    What sort of birds are you hoping will use that beautiful bird house?

    It is so pretty!

  2. The doves are beautiful...they always seem so peaceful.
