Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thursday's Things.....

 The Wednesday evening sky was beautiful.  I couldn't see this from the front window but when I walked out away from the house this is what I could see. 

The starlings finally discovered the peanut butter suet.  It wasn't a pretty sight though as they fight and can not share even with their own kind. 

The bird has a lot of subtle colors and the spots do make it look spectacular. They do come to the feeder like a group of thugs. 

I put out my hanging feeder this morning.  It will draw a lot more birds to the area. I know most of them will be sparrows but maybe the crowd will draw more to be interested in the feeder.  My wife thought she had seen a female gold finch.  I hope it returns. 

Number nine bird house is completed.  It will be the last for awhile.  I still have lots of scraps of wood that could be used for more creations. 

It is much smaller than the others even though the decorations are so similar.  I made it out of scrap one by fours so the sides should be around four inches square.  I had scrap wood from old drawers that I used for the roof.  

Having used a hammer on my thumb yesterday my work is at a halt for now.  It is better but I have to help it heal without abuse.  I can still work on the keyboard so all is not lost.  We warmed up yesterday and today will be a day of declining temperatures.  They are talking maybe snow will be around again.

Thanks for stopping by today. Big Blog Today!!!


  1. A wonderful sky, Larry ... and I love the bird houses. Brilliant. We have also had starlings today. Yesterday they arrived at the feeder at the same time as the Great Spotted Woodpecker. He just carried on feeding, and to my surprise, the three starlings seemed a bit cowed by his presence, despite their numbers and normally plucky characters. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

  2. Starlings are so different, I haven't seen one in a long time.

  3. Starlings can be colorful, but such nuisances as well. They never "played" well with other birds when we had backyard feeders. Your birdhouse designs are rather striking, Larry, and hope residents will move in if you hang any. What are your plans for them? Ouch on the thumb hammering and hope it's healing soon.

  4. That sunset sure was a beauty. Your birdhouses are beautiful.
