Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Middle of the Week.....

They really are not fighting.  The angel fish isn't scared and the Siamese Fighter really is only mean to his own kind. 

I did figure out how to light the tank so I could get focused photos of the tropical fish tank.  The angel fish see me coming now and head for the surface to get fish food. 

 Our morning view was interesting.  Clouds shifting to the south east were leaving the scene.

I did see a cardinal at my feeder this morning but it didn't stay any longer than three seconds.  I expect it grabbed a safflower seed and left.  I had reached for the camera and no red bird was in sight.  I do have some interesting shots of starlings that I will share another day.  

I bought new nails today to help me finish up another birdhouse. There was one nail that was cursed as it caused me to hammer on my thumb.  A blood blister was the result and I take meds that causes me to bleed profusely.  A piece of kleenex and white duct tape gave me an emergency pressure bandage so I could clean up the mess.  I can type with a bummed thumb especially when it is my left hand one. 

Our weather is so wonderful today.  I have outside work to do but not today.  I am going to go slow for the rest of the day and pick up where I left off.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. One nail that was cursed Lol! ...hope you heal up okay!

  2. I had to come back to see what happened to your thumb! Ouch! But I could tell you a couple tales that would make you shake your head...both true. One something Roger did and one I did.
