Friday, April 22, 2022

A Washout Day.....

 Heavy rains are welcomed.  We have been low on moisture for a very long time.  I had forgotten what it sounded like to have downpours on the roof of the house. 

Old blue is getting a good soaking washing off the dust and dirt from the year.  The birds nest in the tree are being tested with all the rain.

I dug up, spaded,  and potato forked up the raised bed soil. It looked pretty messed up but I didn't plow it last year.  We had chive on our baked potato last night and it tasted great.

The finished worked up soil looked like this.  I had planned to rake it smoother today.  The robins were busy getting bugs and worms up out of the overturned soil.

The rains are leveling out my soil this morning. I am so glad I got it done yesterday even though it was a tad cold out there.  I think this rain is the one that will transform our grass into a lusher looking yard. I welcome the look.  The yard will be needing to be mowed next week. 

On a rainy day the best thing to do is look at other work by gardeners.  They show others who are fanatic garden people who make blank spaces into lush growing gardens.  I like this author as he believes as I do that trees should be left be to grow and take their natural shape.  Don't trim everything up to look like a lolly pop.  Our rain will stop by noon and it will good to see what is sprouting up out of the ground after its winter rest.  My fernleaf poppy is up and I have pictures. Thanks  for stopping by today.


  1. I am glad you got much needed rain. We keep having little bits lately, but we have had quite a bit earlier.
