Saturday, April 23, 2022

Sat. Stuff.....


....and then we did have a heavy rainfall.  The moisture is so needed and sprinkles and rain on the head is tolerable.  

I like to let things spread.  The ones in the gravel will just die down on their own.  The ones in the yard will of course be mowed down eventually.  Right now it is a fun look of seeing them taking over the area.  The rains did bring them to life. 

 The sirens are blowing right now as I finish this blog.  We are in a severe weather zone with 70 mph winds coming our way.. The tulips were blowing hard when I took this just an hour ago. The vinca is blooming right now responding to the rains that we have had. 

The dandies are coming up and blooming already.  I will treat this before it blooms.  Our spring is late by about two weeks so we are now moving into more summer like weather with 76 ° F. temps.  It has been windy for two days as the cold fronts north of us keep mixing things up causing a lot of disturbances. 

Cats are looking back at me down at our our gallery wall. The wooden bird isn't too impressed but it is interesting sometimes to see these kinds of things when I have the camera out and am roaming around. 

It has been a slow moving Saturday for us but we seem to be taking a day off from any hard labor.  I hope everyone has a great rest of the evening.  Thanks.....

1 comment:

  1. Pretty spring flowers! We had rain today also! Lots of flooding North of us:(
