Monday, April 18, 2022

Blustery, Cold Day.....

 My neighbor's tulips are the first to bloom in the neighborhood. The wind chill was really cold and I snapped only one shot. It was too cold to stick around.  Their roses need to be trimmed back just like mine. 

The Easter lily is doing well. The blooms take their time opening up so it will last for a long time. 

The straw bunny enjoys his basket year round. I was given it as a gift from the store as I would probably not have bought one on my own.  I can't imagine the time it takes to apply all that textured material to the form.

I bought my wife an orchid for her birthday.  They were being sold as Easter plants but my wife's birthday was on Good Friday. 

I think it is a cow bird.  I will research the image for another day.  It is a different kind that rarely comes to the feeder.  Our snow did melt quickly but the extreme cold is still hanging around.  The strong winds knocked my garbage bin over while it was still full.  I did notice and picked it up before the truck came by.  The empty bins were then falling over after they emptied them.  It is one very cold spring day. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Cold up here too, it didn't get above 30 here today. Your Lily is very pretty! :)
