Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday's Tattle....

 Lots of houses can be seen looking out the back window. There is actually a break or space between the two rows of houses below us so we can see the neighbors  three houses down when they let there dog out on the back porch. It is so far away that we can't tell what kind of dog that it is but it is white.  It is the neighbors back of the house but the next row beyond we can see the back up lights of the car going out of the garage. four row of houses away from us. The space is unusual but we are in a different housing develop than the one below us so the planner didn't really much care how things lined up. 

This set of tulips are almost ready to bloom.  One tulip on the right shows that it is a red tulip. They don't last long so I want to be sure to see them as soon as the start and take pictures of course.

I saw a robin up on the feeder yesterday.  It didn't stay long but it was checking things out.  I guess I should put worms and bugs on the feeder. 

For a fleeting moment the female cardinal was on the deck.  I saw the male cardinal on the fence at the same time so I am hoping that the nest nearby.  

I really worked hard to get a shot of her but she just didn't not want to stay around for very long.  Its a bad shot but does show her peaking in the window. 

I am having a slow day today.  Worked on the second coat of finish of the third shelf.  I got into trouble with some loose sawdust getting into my finish of the first coat.  I had to sand by hand everything down as I seemed to spread the sawdust everywhere.  This time I hope that finish will be the final one.  Four hours of drying time just to be able to handle it but I guess I have time on my hands.  Scraped up my fingers this morning so I am with a bandaid and sitting around for awhile.  The blood was minimal even though I take blood thinners.  I would like to get outside and dig up my soil in the raised bed.  I just think it is too cold. The wind did finally die down.  

Until tomorrow, thanks......


  1. It's cold and wet here, miserable weather!

  2. You will have lots of tulips when they bloom! :)

  3. Hoping to capture birds can be so tedious sometimes. I'm lucky if I can catch a decent pic with

  4. I get all that! Wind and cold do not make for a fun day in the yard or garden.

    Those tulips are amazing, can't wait to see them.
    The female cardinal around here seems to always be in a hurry also, but the male is easy to spot when he sits and sings loudly!

    You sure keep busy with woodworking!

  5. I think that is wonderful that the cardinal comes on your deck!
