Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday's Shares......

 Thursday's morning sky seemed busy with a mixture of air currents. It did stay cloudy for most of the day but the southern breezes really never happened. We stayed cold all day.

The Thursday nights moon is almost full.  The haze kept me from getting a focused shot. It does have a nice glow.

My field of daffodils has grown up with the light rain water that we got a few days ago.  The growth seems to be crowded but that is how this variety grows.

The stems with buds on them seem to just pop up overnight. I can spot three or four future tulip blooms in the photo.  The vinca that is growing a round it is blooming but the blooms are beat up and were hard to photograph. 

My wife's birthday is today so we will be eating out tonight.  We are going to a long time, many generational family owned Italian Restaurant where the food is great and service is always top notch.  It will be a fun place to be as it has been probably been a year since we last visited.  

Our grass is growing but it is slow.  I know that we will eventually get some good spring days and some spring rains and it will be up and out of control.  I am going to mow my own yard this year and need to get the mower out to see if it will start.  It wasn't used last year except once in the fall when the front looked bad and the hired gun wasn't going to be back to do it.  I saw a large dandelion against the sidewalk this morning while I went to the mailbox.  Our spring is so late as I have last years pictures show all the flowering trees blooming and the red tulips showing off.  The cold has kept everything slowed.  

Good Friday and Sunday is Coming!

1 comment:

  1. You will have tulips blooming soon! Hope you had a great meal and birthday celebration for Della! Cold here and snowy all day.
