Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday's Things.....

 A little bit of rain and the hyacinths popped up to show their great colors. The wind is beating them up a little but after today maybe they can normalize. 

The one single daffodil was clipped off and brought inside.  The wind was pounding it up and down on the concrete blocks.  The background on this shot wasn't really planned but it looks like it is in a natural setting. I don't know why there is only one normal sized daffodil planted in front.  What was I thinking?

The Easter lilies did not arrive to the grocery store until Wednesday.  The are pushing orchids this year instead of them but the few lilies that they got in are selling quickly.  I usually buy the one with the most buds and the most are not open so they can have them open here at home.

The third shelf in now complete and attached to the wall.  It is amazing how the recycling of the easel wood is really a joy to do.  

No serious plan of things to put on the shelf but these are some of the things that were on the one that this one replaced. 

I now want to rebuild that cheap shelf that I got through Wayfare. Shown above I bought three of them in a set and they didn't really show that they were made from white pine wood. It is made from pine and has a bad finish on it.  I  am going to do some cutting and recreating a better design with it.

More sawdust will be flying as I keep working with wood.  I  have a birthday to work with tomorrow as my wife needs a birthday cake. Every birthday is a great celebration time and we will try to do some special things for a couple of days.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. One day I'll figure out how to actually 'make' something nice. Though all my wood would have to be precut!

  2. Happy Birthday to Della! Those new shelves are awesome!
