Friday, April 8, 2022

Fried Friday.....

 A young male that is more orange in color rather than being red. I have never seen this before today. I was glad my camera was handy.

The older male is friendly to the younger guy but is sort of keeping his distance from him.  The red is brighter during the mating and nesting season.

The pair do stay pretty close together at most times.  If he flies off she will follow.  The do usually show up at the feeder at the same time.

The shelf is hung in the hallway to the basement.  I have had so many set backs on the making of it that I am just not pleased with it.  To add to my disliking, I tried to attach it to the wall there.  I found in this 17 year old house that the dry wall is not flat.  I thought my shelf was screwed up and then I placed a four foot level against the wall and there was a gap, uneven wall space between the shelf and wall.  I took it down and put it up again thinking I was doing something wrong but now I have a solution.  I have a strip of oak molding that will be used to cover the gap between the middle of the shelf and the wall. The crack will be covered.  The owners before us had a large quilt hanging there so they didn't have to worry about poor drywall installation. 

I hit a button on my camera that messed up all my ability to just take a picture. My wife pulled up an manual on the net and we spend some time to try and bring it back.  I think my shots have a blur so I now have to reread the manual. The blur could just be my eyes not working correctly.  The camera is smarter than me and one just doesn't push just any button accidentally.  Between the shelf and the camera I am a grumpy soldier.  I did get us an appointment for out taxes to be done with a very friendly person at the other end.  I am glad that went well. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a frustrating day for you! Hope today is better!
