Saturday, April 9, 2022

Tax Day and Beyond.....

 There were three of the mourning doves at one time.  But the above shot shows the one on the roof scampered away. It looked like this below with the pair on the roof of the feeder. 


The wind has been really hard on my spring flowers. The crocus shows the damage more than the others. I see in this shot that I have crocus that are just now opening. 

The grape hyacinth did appreciate the showers and it did start to perk up.  I bet it will be greener as the time passes. 

I expressed concern about the dried out creeping phlox.  I was so glad to see that the showers turned all of the crispy dry foliage into greener foliage.  The plant is actually soft to the touch now as it greens up and recovers. 

We went to our pancake place for breakfast and enjoyed the time out of the house.  The cooks are different on each day and today's cook made us large pancakes as they used more batter. It was fun to box up the leftovers, as I only am allowed one pancake for my restricted diet, and I now can have one pancake per day the next two days.

Stopped for meds today and was surprised by the price.  It cost me only 69 cents as the insurance covered most of it.  It was a pleasant surprise with the low price as the last time I visited I had to pay 700 dollars for my Trulicity.  That is not a typo.  They called me ahead of time to warn me that it would be the price for the first three months. The insurance will kick in then but it still won't be free. I told them that I could either walk away from the treatment, which would be bad for me, or just pay it.  I have an older brother that just quit taking it. 

No bigger plans for today other than going to the tax people and pay our taxes for the year. Our govenor passed a bill recently that said we would not pay state taxes next year and beyond because of our age qualifications. Old age is an expensive time in life and we really should not be required to go back to work because of the high costs at our age. We will pay our fair share of taxes for sure both federal and tax this year, don't worry.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Some medications are very expensive. I would write to the drug company and ask for a coupon!! :)

  2. I never mind paying my taxes with all the medical benefits I've received!

  3. That is a high price...but if you need it, being thankful you can pay it is the way to go.

    Our property taxes keep going up and up...I told Roger our streets should be paved with gold. We pay a tax on our vehicles every year. It is hard to explain if you don't have it...eventually when a vehicle is 10 years old, it goes to around $75 a year. When it was new we would have paid approx $350, depending on what the car cost...the next year it will go down maybe $50, etc...just gradually goes down.

  4. Yikes on the high cost of meds, Larry, and it makes me so thankful not to be taking any myself, which is not something I take lightly. Speaking of taxes, we are writing out payments this weekend to both the federal and state governments, but still awaiting our 2020 refund, like so many others 😟
