Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Middle of the Week....

 Tuesday evening the suburbia sunset was outstanding.  I could see the reflection of it in the east so I went outside to see the west view.

The view to the east as the setting sun projects it light to all the distant things along the eastern horizon. 

The next stage of the soft pussy willow globes is the projected points with yellow spots.  They really will make a mess on the table as they shed and fall off getting ready for leaf formation.

I potted one of my new iris in this container.  The directions said I could do that and i thought I would give it a try.  So far the iris seems happier there.  I am probably going to cut the tops off just a little so it will help the rhizome to develop.

The store bought Peruvian lilies are doing well out in the sun room. They like the coolness of the night and all that daylight in the day.

My workshop is showing off the next shelf project.  It is almost five foot long and today it gets some finish put on it. It is similar in design to the last one but one design change will make it look a little bit different. 

We are warming up a bit today.  I thank you for checking in today.


  1. Beautiful Spring flowers, they give us hope.
    Your talents are endless dear friend, the shelf is going to be stunning.
    Warmer weather....always a great thing.
