Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A Gray Day.....



A year ago I was taking photos of red tulips but our spring is late this year. The promise of rain keeps being broken.  We need rain. The snow and a sprinkle did help out with the crocus.

It is a sad sight of my dried out grape hyacinths.  I am going to dump a bucket of water on them this day. I visited my endocrinologist yesterday and I seem to be doing good for the problems that I have.I am going to get attached to a meter soon and maybe life will be easier.  I actually attach the meter to my body and the iPhone is directly connected to it.  I sarcastically call it a new adventure of older age.  The drive downtown was easy and after five years living here it seems pretty easy to connect to the big city that sits just south of us.   It did turn into a cloudy day covering the sun up pretty much by nine o'clock.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My crocuses came up and flopped over with the snows and look miserable right now too. But I think there may be some snow drops doing well under a bunch of leaves and sticks.

    We've had good rain/snow here. I hope we keep getting more because we really needed it after last year.
