Monday, April 11, 2022


 Looking beyond the stuff on the chest of drawers and beyond the stair railing we can see the new shelf.  It is attached firmly and has a temporary display of things on it.

It was difficult to attach it to the wall.  I had to get a step ladder at the bottom of the stairs and place a board ramp between it and a stair step to give something to stand on for the installation.  I just grabbed some things and put them up just to see how it would look.

I still have wood leftover from the old oak painter easel.  This is the third one that I have started from the scraps.  I have to sand and fill unwanted holes in it before I get it assembled. 

One more newer shot of the crocus shows that the flowers are starting to weather.  Things are greening up around the flowers now.

It's Monday and not much has happened with my projects today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I can only imagine the ladder and board on the careful Larry:)

  2. The shelf is looking good even with the temporary items on it, Larry. Such a great repurposing project too.
