Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sunday's A Warm Day....

 My antique drinking glass in the downstairs bathroom got broken.  It slipped into the sink and broke.  So the job to find a replacement was to dig through all the drawers of antique things.  The hob nail goblet looks like it will work.  It sits next to my soap dish, my old oatmeal bow, that I used as a kid down on the farm in southern Iowa. 

We had friends at our Minnesota cabin who had a mother from Cambridge, Minnesota.  When she visited, Grandma Starr would bring ginger snap cookies to share with everyone.  Each one was stamped with the bottom of a glass with this same star shape design. The cookies were branded with a star, from Grandma Starr.

It is almost time for this pot of oxalis to go back outside.  I will sprinkle some fresh soil on top of it and let it get fresh air and light.  Maybe a bit of rainwater will make it happy again. 

I was excited to see this iris growing up out of the ground.  It was a new one from last year's purchases and this year it should bloom.  I don't have any idea of what color that it is but it sure looks healthy. I have a lot of digging to do in that area to take out volunteer grass. I think I will do some serious work on the front raised garden and buy some new soil for the area.

We are having a warm spring day today. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice Iris! I have a ton of purple ones and wish I had a few different varieties. Over the years I've had to keep digging them up and finding them new homes as they multiply like crazy!

    It was a nice warm day and we enjoyed it so much.

  2. what a pretty glass to stamp designs on ginger snaps! Hope your Iris bloom! :)
