Monday, April 4, 2022

Monday's Many Mentions.....

 The promise of sunshine at seven in the morning proved to be the start of a great spring day.  It warmed up by the afternoon and feels like true spring.

I think digging out the garden hose and watering these flowers would help them a lot.  I have grape hyacinths that looks sick along with the creeping phlox. We need more rain.

Mr. Cardinal treated me with a visit this mid morning.  He actually stayed around long enough for me to fetch my camera and snap three photos.  It is nice to see him now on most days.

I finished my shelf created from oak.  The wood was recycled from my wife's first easel bought 38 years ago.  She replaced it, I moved it to the new home, and then tore it apart.  The wood is perfect for the shelf. I really like my design that matches our mission styled furniture in our bedroom. 

I attached it to the wall on Saturday and today I reattached it two inches higher. It really looks good and many things can be arranged on the shelf as we live with it. I have more oak and another shelf or two shelves are in the works. 

Thanks for stopping in today. 


  1. It felt like spring here, too. But I think rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.

    That is a nice shelf!

  2. You did a great job in re-purposing the wood from your wife's old easel, Larry. Now you can both enjoy it and it is sure to bring good memories. Nice that it's being used to support art just as it supported a canvas. GOod luck with making future ones.

  3. I love that shelf! I want to take a nice oak plank and simply put hooks on it to hang some light jackets or things. A tiny shelf would be awesome and give the blank wall a great face lift!

    Hah. But I am not a wood worker! Great work.
