Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday's Stuff.....

 Our flowering trees are showing off all the blooms. The whole building area asked the owners to plant these trees in there yards next to the streets.  Our developed area is 17 years old. The older sections have a full lining of trees down the streets.  Internet history shows that some of my neighbors have cut theirs down. 

The jurecho  took out a chunk of the larger tree a couple of years ago but I am not going to cutt it down. The flowering tree is an ornamental tree and there will be small fruits that the birds like to eat in the fall. 

Another view from the street.  I have a robin that is busy building a nest in the larger tree.  I haven't studied its work but eventually I will find it. 

I have two kinds of vinca. This one has a larger flower.  Its vine can be a problem and I have to keep it trimmed back so the front steps aren't overtaken.  My other vinca has a blue flower. 


 I have always admired others who had creeping phlox.  I was so glad to find that inherited these two plantings in my front yard. The rains have revived them and they are blooming nicely. 

I leveled the soil on my raised garden today. I had spaded it up and left it a mess but now it is all smoothed down.  My neighbors planted their lettuce and radishes a couple of days ago. I did get my 10 gallon tank cleaned and the tropical fish graduated up to the larger tank.  Pictures of the angel fish will follow soon.  They like all the new space from their two gallon tank.  Saturday continues for us. Thanks for checking in today.

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