Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunless Day....

 I actually have only five fish but when you count them there are seven. The left fish is reflected and so is the right one.  The tank is twice the size and they seem to have a lot of open space in which to swim.

Five of them this time with a partial reflection on the left. The three small ones are starting to get closer to the two larger older fish.  I buy these as feeder fish but never feed them to a bigger fish as I don't have any. 

The weather is cold but the ground must be warm enough to cause the peonies to shoot up. They will be beautiful this year as they are on their fourth year being planted.  They come from the old place where the new owners, flippers, have removed all plantings, flowers and shrubs.  

The colder and wet weather has helped to keep the daffodils around longer. I may have to mow grass in a few days.  I will wait for a warm day as I don't like to mow in a heavy coat.

The fern leafed peony survived the moving to the new location.  I will get at least three blooms even though it had seven or nine blooms before the move.  I take what I can get as I am glad it is still alive.  

Thanks for stopping by today.    Spelling errrors are posible today.


  1. That fern leaf peony is beautiful! I have a fern leaf bleeding heart that came back that I am excited about.

    My peonies are all healthy and shooting up too, not as much as yours though.
    Looks like I'll have to get out the rider mower and charge up the battery to get it started!
    The trees are just starting to bud out.

  2. Wow your peonies sure shot up! :) No sun here either:(
