Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Wonders of Wednesday...

 Rain today is going to keep them blooming and the wind has died down.  I haven't smelled them yet but the wind and cold has been so bad that I haven't checked that out.

It has been growing here voluntarily and likes the rock garden area.  I have a lot more that are coming up among the rocks. 

The blooms open so slowly that it is hard to see changes in the blooms.  I remember the days when it was not possible to buy an orchid but now you can buy them in a variety kinds of stores. This was bought at the grocery store's flower store.  I have seen them on sale at lumber yards and of course at Wally World. 

I took a cheap looking shelf from Wayfare and reworked it.  It originally was an L-shaped shelf and I took it apart.   A few cuts with the saw the entire shelf is now different.  The leftover wood was used to cut the brackets.  It has been painted white now and is drying in the basement workshop. 

The angel fish really have grown accustom to the tank now.  The three of them seem to be getting along with each other.  The Siamese fighting fish just ignores them and scrambles to get feed right along with the others. 

Cloudy weather today with spotty rains off and on will be our day. I have a trip to the pharmacy to make today and will stock up on some milk and bread.  I buy more than that but it is just code words for twenty or more items being placed in the cart,  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Lucky you to have rain as we have snow. Soon you will get out to smell those flowers!

  2. You've done wonders with the Wayfair shelf! I loved the wood look too on it as it was.

    Rain here yesterday and I heard some trees come down in the forest from the winds!
