Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday's Report....




 We are warming up a bit.  The rest of the week will be normal temperatures.  We hear construction noises from across. the way.  Our neighbors that put in a new pool are now having a good sized pool house for shading the swimmers.  The dog has lost a lot of yard to use for his purposes and the trampoline may not ever be used again with the yard being filled up with things.  I bought a large aquarium for my on set of fish and am in the process of transferring the old tank, 10 gallon, away so the new tank, 20 gallon, can be set up.  It takes a lot of busy work to get a tank set up and getting the water conditioned just right before putting the fish into the new tank.  I went birthday shopping for our grand daughter this morning and came home with the new tank.  How did that happen?  

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you bought something besides the Fish Tank! The Cardinal is a beauty!
