Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday's Many Mentions.....

 The female cardinal returned to the feeder yesterday afternoon.  She usually flits off quickly but this time she took her time to find seed at the feeder and on the deck floor.

 The male wanted to only feed on the wrong side of the feeder. The photographer has to shoot through an plants on the inside.  I am hoping that they are a  pair and that they will nest nearby. 

The red bud is blooming late this year.  It is another very cold day here so it won't open up much today.  I am glad that the three year old tree will be having blooms all over every branch this year.

The creeping phlox was so dry and prickly that it was hard to touch.  A few snowfalls and a couple of small rains revived it to green leaves and blooms to open.

I painted it because the wood was such a bad quality kind of wood.  It needs a second coat to fill up some cracks.  We will have two shelves that we really don't know where to place at this time. 

It is extremely cold today as the wind makes a very cold wind chill.  I put out the garbage and then came in to warm up with some of the last coffee in the pot.  No big plans for today.  I was planning on building an Adirondack lawn chair from some of my scrap wood. I even found a good set of building plans for it from Norm Abrams.  That was yesterday and now I am thinking I would rather by a plastic teal blue one.  I want it for the deck and am thinking that a wooden one would be hard to carry up and down the 13 steps to the deck.  While looking for the plans for the chair an ad showed up displaying one for 25 bucks.  I previously had two green ones at the old place and I really did like them.  I will wait a few days and make up my mind.  I do have a bed headboard to build so I won't run out of projects.

Have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today......


  1. Nice shelf! Yes plastic chairs are lighter than wood for sure, I need some new patio chairs ours are so faded but they stack up so nicely:)

  2. Beautiful shelf. This is exactly like what I would have put up by our north door entrance to put something on to brighten up that blank wall.

    I have to agree that plastic chairs are easier to carry around than a heavy wooden one. I picked up a beat up rocking chair a few years ago and I spray painted it wild colors. I use that on our porch and love just rocking in it!
