Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Windy Cold Wednesday.....

 The major storms stayed north and west of us.  There were many tornadoes. The second string of clouds gave us a very good thunderstorm and some much needed rain.

I have pictures from a year ago when this red bud was in bloom. Our spring flowers are late. I am glad to see this three year old tree now covered with buds all over most all of the branches. 

The pussywillow tree looks like it is leafed out but the buds are still in a very fuzzy stage right now.  It is encouraging to see it filling in though. 

The red twig dogwood is showing great color right before it starts to leaf out. I may have to trim this shrub back as it is getting to be so tall.

The daylily is growing next to the house and is is warmed up more than most of the others. I would think I will see it bloom this year as it was placed there a year ago when the patio brick were installed. 


It has been a busy day and I didn't get much work on my shelf done.  I did get a second coat of finish on it but I then have to wait eight hours before I can wax it and hang it.  Shopping took place this morning and grocery store shopping will happen this afternoon.  We went from 78 degrees yesterday to 32 degrees this morning.  It stayed cold now and I wore my winter coat and hood to go get the mail.  We are having such a strange spring.  I am glad we go rain.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Those buds are awesome. I can see buds just developing on some trees in the woods. Last year it sure was a warmer spring, this year is proving to be much different.

  2. We have had so much rain and more coming this week, thankfully, no snow. But, aside from a few daffodils spotted here and there there are no spring plants and even the trees are slow to bud.
