Friday, May 27, 2022


 The sun is ready to heat us up today. It won't be severe heat but it will just be warmer. I worked outside all morning with me having to remove my parka in the middle of the morning.

We found this plant that was very tall.  It is a roma tomato and it now planted in my raised bed garden.  I got the cage on it and staked it so it will just have to be watered and watched as it makes us some tomato.  The soil was actually damp from the two days of light rain.  I emptied the water gauge that had an inch and a half of rain. 

I keep working at pulling out the water grasses from the cottage garden. The chive in the background have blooms of color that are similar to the iris in the foreground. The Japanese iris that sits to the left is loaded with buds ready for great blooms.

I got to view the cemetery iris this morning while I finished removing the second dead dogwood shrubs.  I had to cut up all of the branches into smaller pieces and place them in recycle bags.  That is a discouraging job as that is what you have to do because we live in the city.  I have five big bags of twigs and sticks from the two shrubs.  I did muscle dig a hole for a burning bush and planted that in place of the empty space.  I have another shrub to plant there but I will have a day of recouping for me before I can dig that hole. 

I moved iris to this property the past four years and this one is a special one.  It grows among the old fashion antique rose that grew at our old house. The rose was there when I bought the place which had growth of it all along the kitchen.  That iris was one that I got from my parents house years ago.

I survived changing my diabetic monitor yesterday.  It is quite a process of removing the old one that doesn't want to be removed from my skin. That was so painful.  The device that is used to place the new sensor to my skin is a push button thing that pushes it back onto my skin and pushes a needle prod into me.  It stopped hurting 24 hours later so I won't complain anymore.  I can look at a receiver the size of a thick credit card and know instantly my blood numbers.  The trade off of changing that every ten days is the elimination of pricking my fingers three to fours times a day.  Once I get use to it I will be somewhat happy with it.  

It is Friday and have a good day.  Thanks for checking in.....


  1. Your flowers are so pretty. And wonderful to have one from your parents' place.

  2. You have an Iris with history!! The monitor sounds like a bugger to change, I do hope you get used to it. We bought one Roma and one Yellow Pear tomato and we planted them last night.
