Saturday, May 28, 2022

Saturday Stuff...


 A fancy hybrid that puts out unusual colors.  The purple beards are so different than what are on most iris.


 The antique cemetery iris is putting on a good show. I got the start of this with one rhizome many years ago and it is now planted in three different places on the lot.



I shared a photo of all the dead canes on this rose.  They were removed and it really did recoup from the pruning.  I experimented by placing the small hostas in the corners of the box and it really does work well.  

 The long awaited blooms are starting to open on this rose. The bloom is hiding underneath a neighboring peony.  I have to pull foliage away so I can take the shot. 

The neighbors have a smaller dianthus growing nearby.  I planted the last shrub today against the fence. It was a variegated dogwood and looks good against the fence.  It took a while to dig out all the clay filled soil.  I replaced good topsoil around the new shrub hoping that will help its growth.  I found my ccontainer of glad bulbs in the workshop and planted two rows of them this morning.  I saved back enough for another row to be planted in a couple of weeks. I watered all of the new plants and shrubs planted the past two days.  We had strong winds and it heated up by the afternoon time. 

Thanks for stopping by....


  1. Your peach Iris is a beauty, such a pretty color! You have such good luck with Iris! :)

  2. Just stunning! I love the box with the hostas and the rose. Just gorgeous.

    I think flowers bring joy to a home!

  3. I love the irises...any of them. Cant wait for the glads...
