Friday, May 20, 2022

Friday's Four......

 Everyone seems to be ducking the camera. I guess it was a time to be timid. The recently filled feeders are busy.

I have been anxious to see leaves on all the deciduous trees.  They are all leafed out now and we look like we have sort of a forest. 

This a partially filled canvas.  Three tomato plants and two chives plants are a meager start for the planting of this raised bed.  I use to fill this in with all tomatoes and I am not doing that this year.  I have dahlias to plants and some glads. I will probably get a least one more tomato plant as we don't have a roma one yet. 

One project is to work on pulling out all the water grass in this cottage garden.  I have worked on it for a couple of different tries and I have more to do.  I spaded up the front square and I need to spade up the back square.  We had a mild cool day today.  It was good I had lots of things to do inside todaay.

Thanks for checking in.......


  1. You are always busy! I did not get my tomato plants this week for sure. It is supposed to be cooler next a good time to work outside.

  2. Wow I love your raised beds! I like spading up ground when it is cool, I sure couldn't even try it last week when it was in the 90's!
