Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday's Things....

 The morning sun keeps moving to the left of the picture as the earth keeps tilting. We were up early this morning as we could just see it coming up into view. 

I returned to the deck and got this photo about 15 minutes later. The clouds are still out there but we did warm up to 87 ° this afternoon.  It was cool when I worked outside in the morning.

I dumped the last of my seed bag into the tube feeder.  I didn't get a lot of takers for it but there are some sparrows feeding. 

I bought hardy geraniums at the grocery store nursery last evening.  I ended up planting 15 of them around this shrub and in my circle raised bed in the front yard.  I bought "pinks" and petunias also to put in the raised bed to make that garden look great.  My health kept me from watering those plants the past two years but this year I will be out there with my garden hose watering to encourage their growth. No photos are available but there will be some soon.  I also got my backyard mowed this morning.  It was a busy morning and I am now resting.  

We are expecting storms this night.  We are almost out of our drought spell so getting rain should feel like a normal experience.  My neighbor guys are mowing their yards at every five days now.  I didn't keep up with them but my last two days of mowing didn't seem to look much shorter than theirs.  We must have our mowers all set at the same height.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Your Columbine is very pretty! Wow it is warm there! Cool here and it may snow as we are headed for freezing temps:(

  2. Those are really beautiful sky shots....we had rain this evening. We had rain tonight, too.

  3. Be sure to stay cool and not outdoors, Larry, with that really hot weather. In Nashua, NH, the temps are supposed to climb into the 90s both days on the weekend and then drop into the 70s next week. We are still in NC and temps are only in the 80s at the beach!

  4. Beautiful! I've been up each morning to wander around and listen to the birds in the woods.

    Your flowers are wonderful. I used to dislike geraniums, but after planting them each year or potting them for my MIL, I feel in love with them for their hardiness and cheery colors.

    Looks like yard work on Saturday here!

    Stay comfy and don't go at it too hard.
