Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Middle of the ....Week.

 Tuesday's sunset was colorful.  We ended up getting rain during the night but it really did not show in our sunset. 

We planted this red twig dogwood in an area to honor our dog Barney. It was our Barney garden with a solar light at night.  I haven't planted the hardy geraniums around the edge of it yet. The shrub is just loving the area and is growing into a beautiful shrub. We miss our dog still today.

The mother robin is on the nest under our deck continually now.  That means that the young ones have hatched.  When they get to be so big I will be able to get pictures.  They will be busy looking for worms and insects.  This guy just watched me while I was trimming back a rose bush.

The dead parts of this yellow rose are now removed.  I had a lot of winter kill on it but it seems to be coming back strong on the back side.  My knock out rose on the other side of this stairs was totally killed back but it too is sprouting back from the base.

The spring weather was good for the hostas.  They all look really good right now.  I had planted some new starts last year and they are coming up strong.  I don't think you can have too many hosta.

I moved this here from the old place and it grows big like it the one called "sum and substance".  It didn't grow big leaves back at the old place as it was more in the shade there. It likes full sunlight. 

Now that I look at it this is the same as the one above two spots.  This one is planted elsewhere.  It is doing well in the rock garden because I dumped a lot of good soil into the hole before I filled the rock back in around it.

This is the newly started fern leaf peony from the parent plant.  It is nice to have two of them started in the cottage garden area. 

I am waiting for it to warm up so I can mow.  The grass is really wet from last night's rain and it just hasn't warmed up to dry it off.  I am enjoying the new diabetic monitor.  I don't think I will ever like having that prod stuck into me which I have to move every ten days.  I do like the monitor instantly telling my blood numbers.  The monitor goes off with a busing alarm to let me know that I am too high with my blood count.  My unusual form of two kinds of diabetics means that I don't hurry and take more insulin.  I wait two hours and my body can bring it down and or I stop eating anything. I take insulin  once a day.  The monitor is good because I can see what is making me spike and what I can do to either stop eating it or decrease the portion. 

Thanks for checking in today.

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